Recent News

JAN 27, 2013

Strong winds defeat the Gladiator in Florida

DEC 20, 2012

New Manroland Sheetfed delivers 100th press

AUG 30, 2012

Bradman Lake receives supplier award from Nestlé

JUN 19, 2012

Audi Sardinia Cup: Gladiator secures 3rd place overall.

MAY 30, 2012

Langley: the man behind Manroland

FEB 8, 2012

British investor acquires Manroland 'Ich bin ein Rolander'

JAN 31, 2012

Langley Group behind takeover of Manroland Sheetfed

JAN 30, 2012

Langley Holdings releases 2011 Annual Report

DEC 7, 2011

Major Expansion for Bradman Lake Beccles site

NOV 30, 2011

Claudius Peters Celebrates 10 years of Langley Stewardship

NOV 27, 2011

Claudius Peters Compensated by KHD Humboldt Wedag

NOV 14, 2011

NEXTDC and Piller Join Forces in Data Protection