Strong winds defeat the Gladiator in Florida
Following on from the 2012 Mediterranean series, 2013 saw the high-octane world of TP52 Super Series yacht racing move States side. Three American teams came together with teams from Argentina, Sweden and the Langley Holdings "British Gladiator" to comprise the elite of a 160 boat fleet competing at Quantum Key West Race Week in Florida, 20-25 January.
The week began with light airs and after day one of racing, Tony Langley's Gladiator team led the fleet on equal points with former Med series champions, Quantum, helmed by Amway Corporation boss, Doug Devos. But the lead was to be short lived. Day two saw the breeze pick up and continue to dominate the event, with over 25 knots on Wednesday. Gladiator, a light airs designed boat, was unable to find form in the up-range conditions and finished fifth overall. The event was won by the Argentinian team, Azzurra.
52superseries website
With the opening US event over the teams now move on to Miami for the TP52 World Championship in March. Gladiator tactician, American Chris Larsen said of the week: "The boat was going real well in practice when we had below 8 to 10 knots [of wind], which is this boat"s sweet spot, but as the breeze picked up it was always going to be tough. Hopefully we will have more favourable conditions in Miami!
New to the Gladiator team in 2013 is New Zealander Ross ("Rosco") Halcrow. Veteran of three Americas Cups, including the twice defending BMW Oracle campaign, Rosco joins the team at the trim one position. Also new to the team in 2013, on the main grinder, is three-times Finn class Olympian, Australia's Anthony Nossiter.