Board Changes at Langley Holdings PLC
Retford, 3rd November 2015
At an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Langley Holdings PLC held on October 21st, Mr John Langley (86) officially stepped down from from the Board, after 37 years service as a Director. Concurrently Mr Bernard Langley (22) was appointed to the Board by his father, Group Chairman, Mr Tony Langley (60).
Bernard Langley joined the Company directly from school at 19 years of age, preferring to get straight down to learning the ropes at the business which bears his name over further education and other options. A year later he became Managing Director of Oakdale Homes Ltd, one of the group's more than 80 subsidiaries - many of which he has since visited in a hectic initiation to an organisation which employs over 4,000 people world wide.

A family affair: Mr Langley senior stood down at the EGM held on 21 October after 37 years to see grandson Bernard appointed to the Board by Group Chairman, Mr Tony Langley.
The company that is today Langley Holdings PLC became incorporated on 16 July 1977, but it is exactly 40 years ago, in October 1975, since the business founded by Mr Tony Langley first began trading. Mr John Langley joined the company as a Director three years later in 1978, which by then still had fewer than 20 employees. He was Chairman of the Board from 1998-2002 and has been Non-Executive Director since 2002.
The EGM also confirmed the appointment of Mr William Langley (20) as Managing Director of the group's Reader Cement Products Ltd subsidiary earlier this month and Miss Charlotte Langley (23) as Chair of Trustees to the family charitable foundation.
About Langley Holdings plc
Langley Holdings plc is a diverse, privately owned engineering group based in the UK with principal operating divisions located in Germany, France and the UK and more than 80 subsidiaries worldwide. The group produces capital equipment ranging from electrical systems for data centres, machinery for cement plants, food packaging lines, automotive welding equipment and, most recently, the printing industry. The group was founded in 1975 and today employs 4,371 people worldwide.